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Replacing iPv6 DNS on Windows 10. Change DNS on Android Devices. IPv4 DNS Server List – Family. OpenDNS now brings its support & security to IPv6 addresses. Get your network ready while maintaining safe, reliable DNS service  OpenDNS now supports IPv6 addresses — meaning that, by using the OpenDNS Sandbox, you’ll be able to resolve your DNS using What is IPv6 DNS? DNS helps users and network devices discover other devices, by translating human-readable hostnames into IP addresses.


this my config from my raspbian I dont have ipv6 network so I leave ipv6 server resolver. if you want use my config that only need is just edit listen address then replace default stubby config.

cub Seguridad informatica_frente - Editorial Universidad del Rosario

Here are some DNS nameserver addresses (IPv4 unless otherwise stated) that are popular and reliable The best I can tell there is no way to do this so if I want to control name resolution on my network I am forced to disable at endpoints which isn't very practical. I too would like either option (set custom ipv6 DNS or to disable ipv6). Configuring Mac OS X DNS for IPv6 Records. Before we go any farther, I’m warning you now… modifying BIND configuration files by  Now it’s time to create our new reverse IPv6 DNS zone file so we can translate our ARPA values to DNS names.

Manual del administrador - Epson

Tome la prueba de fuga de DNS. Si ya tengo una VPN, ¿por qué debo verificar las protecciones de DNS?? Una conexión VPN asegura su conexión a Internet al enrutar sus solicitudes de Internet a través del túnel VPN, por lo tanto, oculta su identidad real y las actividades en línea y lo mantiene a salvo de las fugas de DNS. Al hacer esto se debe permitir que sus solicitudes de DNS pasen por el túnel de la VPN y no por la de su ISP. Si eres usuario de Windows y tienes instalada su versión de W8, W8.1 o W10, entonces las posibilidades de llegar a estar expuesto a fugas de DNS son bastantes amplias.